Home News A new Group Leader at IECB
A new Group Leader at IECB
photo1A new Group Leader at IECB

Supramolecular protein assemblies are sophisticated systems implicated in a variety of pathological phenomena ranging from viral and bacterial invasion to neurodegenerative disorders.

3D structure determination at atomic resolution is seriously hampered by the inherent insolubility and non-crystallinity of these assemblies, restricting the use of solution NMR and X-ray crystallography.
The state‐of-the-art solid‐state NMR methodology (SSNMR) is able to reveal atomic details of such biological assemblies.

Develop this biophysical technique is the goal of Dr. Antoine Loquet, who joined the IECB as a Group Leader last February.

His project is to establish a research group to study supramolecular assemblies by SSNMR, from biological machines to synthetic self-assemblies.
At the interface with biology, his objective is not only to characterize their atomic structure but also to understand their interaction mechanisms in human cells.

Antoine Loquet did his thesis at the IBCP-CNRS (Institute of Biology and Chemistry of the Proteins) in Lyon, France, and then performed a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany in the group of Dr. Adam Lange.

His team is affiliated to the CBMN Laboratory (UMR 5248, CNRS / Bordeaux University).

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