Home News Bordeaux celebrates ERC: one day in IECB
Bordeaux celebrates ERC: one day in IECB

image001Bordeaux celebrates ERC : one day in IECB

The ERC celebrates its 10 years of existence during the week of March 13-17, 2017. On this occasion numerous communication actions are planned throughout France, and particularly in Bordeaux.

On March 16, the IECB will devote an entire day to celebrating this anniversary. The day will end with two round tables, wherin experts of the Regional Council, the ANR, the University of Bordeaux, the CNRS and the Inserm will debate about supporting research, from the detection of emerging project leaders to long term sustainability of frontier research.

More info and registration on: https://ercweek-iecb.sciencesconf.org/?forward-action=index&forward-controller=index&lang=en

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