Home News Great success for the 2nd edition of the Synthetic Biology Bordeaux Symposium
Great success for the 2nd edition of the Synthetic Biology Bordeaux Symposium

Great success for the 2nd edition of the Synthetic Biology Bordeaux Symposium - SB2

On November, 20th and 21st, IECB welcomed and co-organized the 2nd edition of the Symposium in Synthetic Biology.

The objective was to bring together, around international experts, communities of scientists on three major key topics:

  •       Genomes, minimal cells and organisms, genomic engineering
  •       Biodiversity, metabolic engineering
  •       Biomimetism, orthogonal biosystems, bionanoscience for synthetic biology

Goal achieved since more than 130 participants attended the meeting!

Recombinant production, chemical modifications, yeast engineering or use of bacterium or virus to modify and increase the properties of active biomolecules… were some of the exciting subjects analyzed by renowned experts in health and nutrition from all around Europe.

This symposium was also the opportunity for the iGEM Bordeaux team 2014 to present its innovative research project in synthetic biology – ELASTICOLI - that received a bronze medal at the iGEM competition last October.

This new and very promising topic was initiated in the Aquitaine region by Alain Blanchard, Jean-Jacques Toulmé and Pierre Dos Santos. Its multidisciplinary approach already allowed to bring together many actors in the region and could lead to a new transversal program, according to the Life Sciences and Health Department of Bordeaux University. An interesting action to watch!

Download the program of the SB2
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